How to write an aphorism

Well, let's start with the initial situation. You are in your room, with the notebook in front of your eyes. What you will have to do to write an aphorism is simply enter your heart, find what brings you joy and what brings you sadness in that moment. What is good and what is bad. What you love and what you hate. After thinking about it, start thinking about the situation you are in, the phase you are going through. Whether happy or sad it doesn't matter. At this point express all your emotions. Let your feelings pass from your brain to your arm, from your hand to your pen and finally write it all down on paper. I recommend doing it with paper because in my opinion it generates a different feeling when writing using pen and paper. The aphorism must be short, understandable. As Orwell said, it is better to use simple words than complicated ones. Your aphorism must be understood on first reading. At this point, look at your work and pat yourself on the back! I hope it was useful to you. Byeeeee!


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