how to overcome a period of low self-esteem

If you are sad, don't think that this feeling will last forever. You know, there are times in life when you feel sad and think that you will be sad all your life, and that you are the worst person on heart and you can't do anything, but I assure you that it is not the case. Your sadness will end, and I can teach you a simple trick: take some time for yourself, for a period of time do only what you like, and do it the best you can, give it your all. When you finish look at your results and if you are not satisfied improve. Now, when you're done, you don't need to boast, boast about yourself in your heart. And while you do all this, turn it all over to God and ask Him to help you. Once this is over, you will feel much better, I assure you. But don't stop, keep believing in yourself and always do your best in everything, you will feel better, I assure you. 


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