Being Catholics

Truly loving God does not mean always praying, being without sin. Indeed, Christ allowed himself to be crucified to save us from sin. We don't have to be perfect. To be good Christians, however, we must try in every way to do God's will. The fact that God is merciful must not be an excuse, on the contrary, it must encourage us to sin less and less and to carry out good works. In fact, the Lord says several times that we must be humble, and we must help others. Christ himself told us "love your neighbor as I have loved you". Being Catholic means looking up at the sky every now and then and thanking the Lord for good and bad things. Loving God means not blaming him for what happens to us, on the contrary, it means communicating with him and asking him for help. Being Catholic means reading the Bible every day, to try to always become a better person. 

Being Catholic is not easy, but it is beautiful. It's a beautiful thing to know that we have a mother and father up there who always love us, no matter what we do.  


  1. Parole ispirate da Dio! Ne sono certa!

  2. Ti ringrazio dal profondo del cuore, Dio ti benedica <3


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