
Famous Paintings

Famous Paintings


Guernica, painted by Picasso, depicts the scene of the Nazi bombing of the city of Guernica in Spain, requested by Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War, using the technique of Cubism

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The Third of May 1808

The Third of May, 1808 by Francisco Goya is a painting that represents a historical fact that actually happened, the shooting of Napoleon's rebels in Madrid, Spain, which occurred on May 3, 1808.

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The Persistence of Memory

Salvador DalĂ­'s "The Persistence of Memory" challenges our perception of time with its melting clocks draped over a surreal landscape, exploring themes of dream and reality...

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The Scream

Edvard Munch's "The Scream" captures an agonized figure against a tumultuous sky, expressing deep existential angst and anxiety, making it a symbol of modern art...

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