the poetic side of life

He came in with his big silver armor and looked at me.
Rather rudely he laughed at me, as if my face or in general my attitude was funny
I don't know what I did to him to cause such a rude reaction in him--I don't know what I did in the world for everyone to consider me "strange"
From school to social life I meet similar elements, kids without feelings who do not understand what I really am
They fantasize about my life, making it look like a Tarkovsij movie.
By now I've learned to accept that I can't please everyone, that only like-minded souls come together, as molecules do with each other, as water droplets do, who when they reach the ground, tired of the journey let themselves be cuddled by the soft earth
As do a boy and a girl whose love can never be separated, for instead of looking at life from the world's side, they look at it from the poetic side. But this is not a reference made only to my blog
Looking at life from the poetic side means discovering it, marveling at the small details it hides! Rejoicing in the sad and beautiful moments! Laughing, getting caught up in the euphoria! To live! 

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  1. Ciao carissimo, sono Caterina... Solo una parola per quanto ha scritto... GRAZIE!!!


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