The false hopes of the "successful" man

Well, I talked to you a while ago about being productive. I promised you that I would talk about my thoughts on the stock market and cryptocurrencies in the future. So here I am. I'll start by saying that... Everything they tell you on the internet is not true. I'll explain. We've all found ourselves at least once watching videos of people talking about how they became successful thanks to the stock market, e-commerce, or something like that. The thing is, these people are kind enough (they're not kind) to tell you how they did it, for a price... They want you to buy their webinar. And here our adventure begins. The financial world, in particular that of cryptocurrencies and stocks, is very complicated and in my opinion, not all of us are prepared to be part of it. What I mean, and it's not as easy as they think, the reason is that to become successful men you don't just need to sit in front of a computer looking at statistics, but you have to put yourself out there. Now I'm reminded of a film by Puccino called "The Pursuit Of Happines", in which a man in serious economic conditions tries to become a successful man, but he doesn't do it while sitting in front of a PC. He studies, does side jobs, enrolls in a course, gains the trust of other brokers, works hard, and in the end manages to become rich. All this to tell you, don't be fooled, becoming rich is not that simple... But it isn't impossible. So, what I want to tell you is, you can be whatever you want in life, be successful in any area and be happy even with little money. But becoming rich in the entrepreneurial world, although difficult, is possible. I wouldn't like to work in such a field, but if any of you reading this want to try, you can. Take risks, be crazy, always be yourself.  


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