
If there is something that makes me particularly sad about school laws in Italy, it is the difference that is made between students and teachers. One thing I experienced during middle school was being humiliated by a teacher. It made me feel bad, especially because the other teachers totally agreed with her. After several arguments with her (which cost me a bad relationship with the other teachers) I managed to find comfort in my classmate, with whom I am still friends and I thank him very much for everything he has done for me. The problem is that I think we shouldn't get to that point. The teacher must understand that he is not superior to the student, nor inferior obviously, and must respect the student without insulting or humiliating him. And another thing... yes, I am in favor of a student being able to talk back to his teacher... reason: if the student disobeys the teacher it means that there is discomfort, and discomfort cannot always be hidden... 


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