
Well, we'll talk again friends of the conscience... the conscience, an open space full of horrors and joys, an open prairie, free space for evildoers and easy entry for rebels. The conscience is the most dangerous place in our brain, it has the ability to kill us at any time but also to make us happy again. The conscience brings us anxiety, fear, remorse. Often, however, it also presents beautiful memories, my favorites, but now I ask you my friends, is it really worth it to remain attached to an unpleasant childhood, to a fool who called you asleep and a woman who called you: "Imbecile"... no, we must not, on the contrary, we should normalize forgetting our mistakes. We should make sure that in the conscience we can find a welcoming, healthy, happy environment. But we must also build such a place. So please, live well and:
"don't make me come underground to console you" 
Fyodor Dostoevsky 


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