must read

There are some things that at least once in a man's life he must face and accept. These are: The truth, Fear, Inferiority, Humanity, Being a sinner. Because yes, we are sinners, we are. We sin, we sin a lot. There are demons in my most beautiful dreams that come to wake me up and humiliate me. There are false angels that in moments of despair give me wrong advice. There are forces that I don't even know that pull me in the opposite direction. Why does the Lord allow this? Because he has left us free and so he has also left Satan free, who tempts us and throws us down. The closer we get to him, the more difficult it becomes to be a Christian. Every time you sin, you don't have the feeling that someone is telling you: "There you go, you did it again". Those are the demons, my dears. They are bad company that we must avoid. And when you go to sleep, free your mind from every thought and worry, because at night the mind is easy territory for demons. But I'm not just talking about religion. Stopping to rest is not a bad thing. We must rest... We must sleep. A life cannot be a continuous race in search of... I don't know... pleasure... money... well-being. I confess something to you... I am afraid of pleasure... I have a terrible phobia for everything that is erotic or sexual... because, my dears, the pleasure obtained from these things is not good, it is malevolent. The beautiful and sublime pleasure is that which is obtained with victories, with enterprises... this is what you must seek. Today's world makes us reflect on the importance of viewing content that is not good. Sex is not an art to show to everyone. It is personal... and must remain personal... Your life must not be in the spotlight. Run away from these things and you will live happily 


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