
One of the thoughts that came to mind at night is certainly what the word “essential” really means [from Late Lat. essentialis, derived from essentia “essence”]. This word means, in jargon, fundamental but in my opinion, it’s something different. I must say I have pondered this a lot and I think I have come to a good conclusion that might interest someone. I presented this idea to an old friend some time ago and he also agreed with my thought... But I’m digressing so let’s get to the point. Let’s take the term and divide it into two different parts, subjective essential and objective essential. Let’s look at both of them. The first, which I think is the most important and the most philosophical, is what is essential to US, that's something without which we couldn’t live, without which we wouldn’t be anyone if you will. For many people, it could be the phone (I know you well), (I don’t spy on you at night but I know it anyway). Maybe I’m joking a bit here but it seems pretty clear where I want to get to, what I want to express. I also regret to recognize that for some people it’s the malicious things that are fundamental, now I’ll give you a little list that I hope won’t offend your sensibilities: porn, pedophilia, drugs. Please forgive me if I used particular terms but I needed them to help you understand better. And if you fall into this category of people, please, STOP. It’s not a scolding but an invitation, an invitation to stop falling into the devil’s temptations and ask God for forgiveness, an invitation to convert. I hope this chapter is not in vain and stays in your minds and makes you reflect.


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