another "be yourself" post

I believe we are too influenced by the thoughts of the people around us. I recall a phrase I found on the internet: Life is the hardest test of all, but many fail because they copy from others. Even the words I am using are the result of us being influenced by what everyone else does. The phrase “be yourself” is not as stupid as it seems to many. Dressing the same way, eating the same things everyone else eats, and even living like everyone else is wrong. I can confirm without a doubt that I am different from the masses. Many of my peers often point out that I have strange, unusual ideas and tastes, but I like it. I like the idea of leaving the house and looking different from the rest of the people. Sure, in some things like language, there’s not much you can do. But with other things, yes. Let’s not let public opinion infantilize our ideas, and above all, let’s not keep anything inside, if I want to say something I say it, if I want to do something I do it. I don’t care what people will think, I don’t even think about it. Also because who, if not the Lord, could judge me.


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