being "alone"

Sometimes I wonder why I write and think so much... then I remember that when I spoke, no one listened to me, while the paper did; in fact, it captures my words in its memory. The fact is, many people often want a bit of attention, but no one gives it to them. As a result, that person starts to feel increasingly alone. At a certain point, however, they realize that being alone isn't so bad after all. You can dedicate time to yourself, cultivate hobbies, passions, or write a blog like I do. You can think about yourself and your own person, about the changes you could make to improve your life. You can do things you've always dreamed of doing but never had the courage to do. I would add that if some of you are alone, this doesn't mean you're boring; it simply means you haven't found the right person for you.The problem with today's world is also that when we have an issue like loneliness, we keep everything inside. We don't tell anyone and try to hide our discomfort as much as possible. This is harmful. We are observing an increase in the percentage of suicides in the world in recent years, and what comes to my mind at this moment is: "Was it really necessary?" Let me explain. I know that those who decide to commit suicide do so because they have serious problems, but as many say, suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Being Catholic, I remember that suicide is a mortal sin and you end up straight in hell. And I feel sorry for those who suffer, truly. I know it's hard, but you must endure, be strong, talk to someone, but don't end it.


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